Go Team Superheroes

Your mission for today is... to save the world!!!

1.5 - 3 hours
Indoors and Outdoors
Competitive / Collaborative
12 - 500


The participants, acting as Superheroes, are tasked with saving the world… They must find the chest where the dangerous weapon is hidden and then neutralize it as quickly as possible. As such, the brave participants face a series of challenges, both physical, creative, and intellectual. From now on, the whole world is looking to the Superheroes!

This adventure outdoor game has been developed and customized on the Go Team platform. It utilizes GPS technology to offer a highly up-to-date, multimedia experience. Teams see a series of predefined checkpoints on their map. Each of these represents a challenge. To activate them, participants must reach specific points within the given area. Some challenges are themed trivia, others are logic puzzles or creative tasks, and others are physical activities (practically doable by anyone). Some challenges are only available in specific points, while others can be completed anywhere. For some, you need to record a video of a particular action, in others, take a photo or create a creative rhyme. The intellectual tasks are either open or closed questions. The game is light-hearted, fun, and can be classified as a game in the spirit of healthy competition, although there is a special task that requires the cooperation of all participants.

Learning Outcomes

Go Team is a tool that fosters unity within the team. Participation in the game encourages greater engagement in the assigned tasks, a desire to cooperate with others, and awakens the participants' latent creativity. The entire SuperHeroes game mechanics based on the Go Team app’s functionalities are designed so that teams need to exchange information, sometimes resources, and support each other in various ways because - as it turns out over time - participants not only demonstrate their superpowers but also play together towards a common goal. And this requires thoughtful strategy and efficient information flow. The game highlights certain patterns of behavior that participants followed in overcoming the challenges. These can serve as a basis for analysis and drawing conclusions for the future.

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